The Content System Your Business Needs to Survive

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As an agency owner since 2009, I’ve seen firsthand how relying solely on organic social media for content is ineffective in today’s landscape. 

Instead, using a content system to repurpose high-quality content across platforms is a much more efficient and effective strategy. 

Let me tell you a story about why relying only on organic social media for content and growth is a losing battle these days.

The Social Media Hamster Wheel

A few years back, I was all about posting on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram for my agency’s clients. 

We’d spend hours crafting the perfect posts, sharing them, and thinking “Nailed it!”

But you know what? 

Those posts would basically disappear into a black hole after just a few hours.

Poof – gone!

The sad truth is that on social media, you’re forever on this crazy content hamster wheel. 

If you stop posting for even a week, it’s like you never existed in the first place.

Your audience just moves onto the next shiny object.

Now don’t get me wrong, YouTube and podcasting are a bit better since that content can get found through search for years. 

But even then, you can’t just rely on those alone.

The Pre-AI Struggle without a Content System

In the pre-AI days, we at least had tools like scheduling software and analytics to try to optimize our social posting.

Platforms like Zapier and helped us stitch together workflows.

But it was still an immense amount of manual effort and guesswork to squeeze out marginally better results.

We were fighting an uphill battle against the algorithms.

That’s why over the past couple of  years I’ve really doubled down into building systems that we can take content and repurpose it everywhere, all the time without the extensive time and labor it takes to create just one piece at a time.

The social media content creation gods have finally heard our pleas in the form of AI technology!

Instead of scrambling to make new stuff daily, we now have a proper content system that lets us work smarter, not harder.

Here’s how it works: Every week, we create just 1-2 awesome, high-quality videos, podcasts or newsletters.

That’s the foundation. 

From there, AI, automations and possibly a virtual assistant works to repurpose that core content into tons of other pieces – short video clips, image posts, you name it.

With a little AI magic, a single podcast can turn into 100+ social posts across all platforms!

Instead of scrambling to make new stuff every day, we can just recycle and re-share that core content in different formats.

It’s like a big ol’ self-sustaining content machine.

And you know what?

Despite posting way less these days, we’re actually reaching MORE people because that repurposed content is so high-quality and brand focused. 

Best of all, we’re not going crazy trying to constantly make fresh viral hits.

Look, I get that always-on posting made sense back in 2015.

But in today’s world of content saturation, you need systems and processes.

Otherwise, you’re just treading water while your competitors leave you in the dust.

So  if you’re still just winging it and creating one-off social posts, let this be your wake-up call!  

Creating that initial high-quality stuff takes work, but it’s SO worth it to build an engine that lets you get maximum mileage out of each piece.

Trust me, once you have a real AI-powered content system in place, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

It’s a total game-changer both for your results and your sanity!

If you’d like help implementing a proven content system like this for your own business, I’ve put together a full step-by-step process. Just reach out and I’ll get you all the details!